Lowell High Summer Program.

To youth engagement. To Identity and community. To ‘I am’.

A little over 2 months ago, our Programming Team visited students and teachers at Lowell High School. It was an Info session/Pop-Up where the team stopped by to engage the potential participants in a presentation about chica project—what we do, who we are and all the goodness of what is included in being in chica project programming. It was essentially portraying our first module and what a session typically looks like. Their topic was Identity and Community; the Power of ME: ‘Who am I’ coinciding with the school’s summer theme of ‘Self-Perception’. After an hour of programming, the team closed with an activity called “I AM poem” where they were reminded of the power of their identity and self-perception. 

Our family at Lowell High is extremely excited to have chica project programming in the fall and we can’t wait to be in that new space! Participation was amazing and once they got a chance to warm up, their authentic self shone through. 

Another beautiful experience, inclusion… we are super ready to support Lowell High’s participants in building the confidence necessary to pursue their personal and professional goals, by establishing an understanding of the power of their history and culture. 


To our deep-rooted partnerships.


Dee & King Webster Memorial Fund for Greater Lawrence.