our mentors
where young people can see who they can be
Our mentors lift up chicas so that they can pursue aspirations they originally felt were beyond their reach. Our hands-on programs, mentorship and experiences build confidence in middle and high school students, propelling them to become future leaders.
By fostering intimate engagements and long-standing relationships with industry leaders of diverse backgrounds, Chica Project inspires the belief that anything is possible.
brains to pick, ears to listen, a push in the right direction
Mentors matter. Mentors change lives, in ways more profound and far-reaching than just professionally.
personal development
Is there any impetus stronger than someone who believes in you? Greater self-esteem and self-confidence are born of the knowledge that someone thinks you can. Trusts you can. This powerful force propels youth to greater heights.
life choices
Once she believes in herself, a young woman makes healthier relationship and life choices. Lower likelihood of substance abuse, teen pregnancy, dating violence and crime rates follow. Good for society, and for HER a better life, decades into her future.
increased education
By seeing where education can take them—having a coach and cheerleader in their corner—girls’ aspirations rise. They graduate from high school, enroll in college or pursue vocational trades. This change will affect their families generations into the future.
professional growth
Like a personal trainer for her career, a mentor improves a young woman’s interpersonal skills, offers feedback on resumes and job prospects, and can ultimately make a decisive difference in the career path and growth of a future leader.
this is how change happens
one chica at a time
Once empowered to believe “I CAN,” chicas expand their aspirations, strengthen their voices and exercise more choice across all areas of their lives—in their homes, their relationships, their families, their workplaces and their communities. When women and girls are empowered to live to their full potential, everyone benefits exponentially. Our communities, our country, our world are transformed.
Being a mentor means…
“Having a cheerleader who supports, a teacher who demonstrates, a friend you can lean on and a person who will check you and is there to simply show you the path and be your guide.”
— CINDY | Chica Project mentor
“Challenging out of love. I believe mentors are not meant to be a voice for others, but rather, to challenge you out of love and inspire you to tap into your own power and voice.”
— VALERIA | Chica Project mentor
“Allowing for a brave space where girls from various areas and backgrounds can connect and hear from women with similar values and align on what experiences they have had and the best ways to achieve the things that they are looking forward to.”
— LIECHELLE | Chica Project mentor

a mentor is someone who allows you to see the hope inside yourself
— Oprah Winfrey