In honor of Black History Month.

We celebrate resiliency, unity and hope.

Black History Month was first established as “Negro History Week” in 1926, by Carter G. Woodson, an historian, and was later expanded to a month-long observance in 1976. For Black people, the month serves as an opportunity to reflect on our heritage, honor and our ancestors’ sacrifices and struggles; also to celebrate our community’s achievements and accomplishments. 

Although February is the official Black History Month, here at chica project we pay tribute to black history all year long. This month we want to pay special tribute to the impact of the African American story in American history–legacies of empowerment, determination, and justice. 

From early Abolitionists such as Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman, to iconic Civil Rights activists such as Rosa Parks and Coretta Scott King, to present-day role models such as Michelle Obama and Serena and Venus Williams, Black Women in America have shown us what it means to persevere. 

Today, we highlight the voices of real chicas–poems written through power and the desire for change, rewriting the narratives placed on us by others. Just like our chicas, YOU are powerful, YOU are strong, and YOU will be heard. This month reminds us of the power and potential of the African American community. 

Beyond this month, chica project hopes that we can always center the narratives and needs of Black people. We hope it is more than just hashtags on social media, and that we work on ways to include, support and fight for Black people!


Primer programa chica en Español.


2022 Roundup.