2022 Roundup.

Of Gratefulness. Pasión. Growth.

“We learned about gratitude and humility - that so many people had a hand in our success.” – Michelle Obama. 


chica project wants to take this time to say thank YOU. Without your kindness, compassion, courage and confidence for what we do and who we are, our impact would not be as bountiful as it is today. One of the many things we admire about us as an organization is the amount of love that chica project receives from friends, community, and supporters. We show up reminding everyone that you are enough, you are worthy, you are doing the most, and we SEE you! This passion has definitely aided in our growth over the 11 years of our existence.

Whew! What a year it has been?! 

We have exciting statistics to share with you and so much to be grateful for, because we are super proud of what we’ve achieved this year! Our casita has grown, and we couldn't be more thankful! chica project has grown y’all!

In 2021, chica project had 170 chicas enrolled, this year we helped over 230 chicas change their lives–empowering them with the skills, confidence and network necessary to thrive personally and professionally. That’s a 35.88% increase! Our casita is growing y’all and we couldn’t be more excited to inspire more girls to see and be who they can be! 

A total of 73 zip codes have been reached by #chicaproject so far! That’s a big deal! As we look forward to many years to come, we acknowledge that there are many more zip codes to serve as we continue to pursue our dream—an equitable world for Women of Color.

Since our inception, #chicaproject has formed many longstanding partnerships in our community! Our partnerships propel us forward, fuel our drive , and, in so doing, help us change the lives of more and more chicas. We have had a total of 58 partners this year: 29 community partners, 1 school partner and 28 funding partners; for which we are extremely grateful! 

Thank you, mentors! We can definitely say, from day one, mentors have been the key to our casita, the magical community that holds us! Mentors change lives, in ways more profound and far-reaching than just professionally. Shoutout to all 40+ of you, our success isn’t possible without our family of mentors, because mentors are valuable!

From starting with 10 chicas, to now having 230+ in one year? It’s definitely something to celebrate! Chicas, the engine of what we do–lives changed, promise and potential achieved!

Our COVID campaign has done wonders! We could not have done it without the grant we received from Health Resources in Action (HRiA). A huge shout out and thank you to them and the other grantees of the Covid Connect group. With our campaign and the knowledge provided, we’ve managed to:

  • have 89.2% of our participants vaccinated against COVID-19, while 91.9% knew where to access the testing.

  • collect data showing that 80.4% of our 2022 Virtual Village participants were vaccinated against Covid-19, 39.1% received their booster shot, 95.7% knew where to access Covid-19 testing, and 45.7% reported having a lot of Covid-19 resources, 

  • reach 6000+ persons via our social media pages. In less than a year!. 

Remember y’all, We’re all in. Protect yourself and others. Get vaccinated!

We are filled with love and cariño for how far we have come and enormous dreams for our future. So, as we draw near to the end of one year and the beginning of another–let us be grateful! Let’s also close out 2022 in celebration, and positive look ahead! Happy New Year when it comes y’all, see you over on the next side!

Con mucho cariño,



In honor of Black History Month.


The Sudbury Foundation Award.