Celebrating our Executive Director.

We celebrate Zaida Ismatul Oliva.

About a year ago, we introduced y’all to our new Executive Director. Since then, Zaida has been blazing in the nonprofit executive spheres and soaring to higher levels—you don’t even have to ask, of course we’re proud!

Today, we are happy to announce that our Executive Director is now a member of the Margarita Muñiz Academy Board. Margarita Muñiz Academy is an exciting Innovation School as part of the portfolio of Boston Public Schools. As the district’s first dual language high school, Muniz Academy offers Boston’s bilingual and students who are English Language Learners, a holistic education modeled on the success of the Rafael Hernandez School and other high performing district, pilot and charter schools.  Their board of trustees guides their vision, mission and strategic planning. As a bi-cultural, proud immigrant, English Language learner, dual citizen, Zaida holds this membership close to her heart, as she helps high schoolers, living and learning in two languages. “My lived experience as a woman of color and first generation college graduate gives me a perspective that I want to share with others to help improve the student experience.” –Zaida Ismatul Oliva

And even to this day, Zaida’s words “The things that are meant to be yours will be yours. They will come.” are still powerful and the TRUTH!

We are cheering you on from the sidelines, as always! #thatsachica.  Lastly, we want to close with a warm “happy one year anniversary at chica project!”

We can’t wait to see what else she will do! 


You betta werk recap!


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