Alumni stories.

Thank YOU to our alumni for being one of the keys to our casita’s growth!

To us, at chica project, our alumni are one of our most loyal supporters to our cause and mission! To show our gratitude, we’ve decided to spotlight them on various chica project social media platforms and external spaces such as our blogs and newsletters.

A huge shoutout to our alumni for their involvement with chica project–they truly embody the spirit of our motto, “once a chica always a chica”. Impact is an important aspect at chica project, because it shows the difference we make by fulfilling our mission

Hear their stories.

Alumni spotlight: Carlina Evora

Carlina became a chica in 2017. Personally, chica project motivated her to do better professionally, think bigger and allowed her to meet many people. Jumping to 2023, she is now in a fulfilling job! Woot woot!

Alumni spotlight: Iani Vargas

When Iani joined in 2022, she met great people and our programs allowed her to find other helpful programs for her future! Her advice to current chicas is “as hard as things may get, don’t give up. Never try to follow someone’s path to success, different people succeed in different ways.” Way to go, chica! 

Alumni spotlight: Nyviah Santiago 

Nyviah was a chica between 2019 and 2020 during our COVID era where we were remote. To her, being a chica is a fun experience that she believes other young girls like her would love and enjoy! 

Alumni spotlight: Nain Kim

Nain recently joined our chica family in 2022. According to her, being a part of chica project allows her to share what she has always wanted to speak out on, with a supportive and strong community! Being here brought her happiness to know that she is not alone! Personally, she is not only more confident in public speaking, but is also hoping to become a better leader to help others speak out. Nain is happy to report that currently, she is protecting her peace, practicing self love, and focusing on herself and her career. She is also working on her grades, striving to become a better debater and doing more yoga! 3 cheers for Nain? Hip hip, hooray, hip hip hooray, hip hip hooray! Wise words from her to current chicas are “ Chica project is a safe place so don’t be afraid to speak and shine your light!”

Alumni spotlight: Amberly Cuello

Amberly was a chica in 2022. During the program, she improved her communication skills, and chica project helped boost her self love!

Alumni spotlight: Medelys Marte

In 2018, Medelys became a chica. According to her, chica project impacted her personal life tremendously. This program gave her a lot and she is thankful for that. Professionally, chica project helped her throughout her senior year in high school and her first two years in college. We are happy to announce that, in May 2022, she received her Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration concentration in Accounting. That same month, she started working as Staff Accountant at Eastern Bank and has been there for over 3 years! 2022 was an excellent year for her as she became a home owner and she couldn’t have been happier about her accomplishments in a short time; so as we are super happy for her! Way to go, Medelys. “Keep following your dreams, keep up the hard work, and keep working to accomplish your goals. You will see later on that the wait was worth it.”

Alumni spotlight: Priscila Genao

In 2018, Priscila joined our chica project family! Being a part of chica project opened her awareness to the shared experiences of Latina women and the strength that comes with togetherness, speaking up and supporting each other. The biggest way chica project has impacted her professionally, was by giving her the support system in school for college applications, essays, and scholarships! In 2023, she received her Associate’s degree and is hoping to transfer to a university for fall of 2023. She is also taking a non-profit education course and has been empowered to apply to the Forrest Foundation internship for the summer with nomination from the Top Notch Scholars organization! Beautiful! What she leaves with current chicas is “Follow the journey that makes you happy. Plan for it wisely but accept the changes you didn’t plan for. These often lead to much bigger things.”

Thank you for your continuous support towards chica project and our community! We are proud of all the growth and achievements from our alumni, it makes us overwhelmed with love, as we see lives changed- promise and potential achieved.

Once a chica, always a chica!


Celebrating our Executive Director.


Colaboración en la escuela intermedia Hennigan.