when chicas lift each other up, the whole world changes



What two women call each other affectionately, in support of solidarity and sisterhood. Chica Project’s programs are designed to center, affirm, and empower:

  • Black, Latina, and Indigenous identities, we also welcome Asian, Arab, Pacific Islander, and Multiracial women of color

  • Anyone who identifies as girl/woman, regardless of gender assigned at birth. We also welcome people who identify as femme, non-binary, or gender nonconforming who feel aligned with experiences of girlhood and womanhood

  • Youth beginning at 11 years old, young, and adult women

  • Those whose sense of identity and belonging has been shaped by immigrant or diaspora experiences

Rooted in our culturally affirming, intergenerational, and asset based framework, we support chicas on a lifelong journey of community and self discovery to build collective power.

Want to keep in touch?

Fill out our general interest form (available in multiple languages) to learn more about us and to stay in touch. We can’t wait to get to know you!


celebrate with us

14 YEARS of success, love & community. Commit $14 a month to empower more chicas.


what we do is who we are

We set chicas up with the skills, tools, contacts and self-confidence to successfully launch themselves into adulthood, in whatever path they choose. We are proud to be an incubator of Powerhouse Women of Color so that more Brown and Black chicas–of every culture and ethnicity–can reach their full potential.

We strive to see our country address longstanding inequities and give chicas equal access to flourish so that our nation thrives with the benefits of the unique talents and perspectives Women of Color and diverse individuals bring.


a decade of success

has only shown us how much more there is to do

We would like nothing more than to become obsolete because every young Women of Color has found a path to personal and professional success.

For now, we must continue to visualize our highest self and show up for them—for 100 more years if necessary.


 We help chicas step into their power so that they can be authors of their own lives, one chica at a time.

There is so much to fix so that Women of Color get a fair shake.

Statistically, Latinas and Black Women…


you are powerful, and your voice matters


Follow our journey.

Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.

— Ryünosuke Akutagawa