Covid couldn’t stop us.

Even through a pandemic, Covid couldn’t stop us.

People of color get sick and die of COVID-19 at rates higher than whites and higher than their share of the population. As the country struggles to bring the pandemic under control, Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans bear an unequal burden. The unfairness is striking. 

According to the CDC Compared to White, NonHispanic persons: Hispanic or Latino persons have 1.9x more cases, 2.8x more hospitalizations and 2.3x more deaths from Covid. Non-Hispanic Black persons have 1.1x more cases, 2.8x more hospitalizations and 2.0x more deaths from Covid.

American Indian or Alaska Native, Non-Hispanic persons have 1.7x more cases. 3.5x more hospitalizations and 2.4x more deaths from Covid.

Our teen girls were stuck at home, often caring for young siblings, worrying about family finances. Our families faced COVID-19 employment, health, basic needs, and housing challenges. Chica Project sprang into action. We even started a small cottage industry sewing Chica Project masks. We had to show our young women that adversity can be turned into opportunity. And that…SI SE PUEDE.


of Chica Seniors graduated high school and enrolled in college.


30 girls

Earned college credit while still in high school.



Emergency funds provided for housing, food, health, education.


virtual visit

Launched to continue mentoring and leadership development online during social distancing.



Summer stipends paid to Chicas in Pilot Youth Employment Program


almost $20K

11 Peer Leaders earned $1760 for serving in Pilot Leadership Project.


We are very proud of our Covid-19 Impact Report.


We are Innovation Winners!


We have come a long way, Chicas!